Info about the Geography & History of
and Longyearbyen

Svalbard is a norwegian archipelago in the Polar Sea. Often it is known under "Spitsbergen". The geography and the history are both very interesting.

Some general information about Svalbard:

latitude: 74° North to 81° North
longitude: 10° East to 35° East
highest peak (Newtontoppen): 1717 m asl.

Longyearbyen: coldest month is February with – 15.2 °C
the warmest month is July with 6.2 °C
annual air temperature: – 5.8 °C (average 1975-2000)

Light and Darkness:
Midnightsun: 21th of april to 23th of august
Polarnight: 26th of october to 16th of february

More interesting and detailed information from Ole Humlum, UNIS, Department of Geology, Svalbard, Norway:

A Geographical-Historical Outline of Svalbard